Friday, May 15, 2009

Obama a Fascist?

As many have pointed out, the frenzy Barack Obama produced in his followers during the 2008 presidential campaign is quite reminiscent of the reaction to men like Benito Mussolini, Adolph Hitler, Corneliu Codreanu, Leon Degrelle and Primo de Rivera. Interestingly, all of those men were fascists or National Socialists. His cult of personality is genuine and widespread, particularly among the media elites. With that in mind, can we see any ideological parallels between Obama and the ideas of those icons of the 1930s?

After more than 100 days in office there can be no question that Obama favors state control and management of the economy. Americans (foolishly) shy away from the term socialism, but any honest person who has studied the American president’s words and deeds would have to admit that Obama is a socialist. But there is a deeper quality to Obama’s socialism that comes in contact with the very ideas and work that characterized Mussolini, Hitler, Codreanu, Degrelle and Rivera. His approach in solving the economic crisis has been classically fascist in that he has sought to bring business, labor and the state together to work the solution out in triad. Though heavy on state power, the method is, nonetheless, Synarchistic corporativism in every way.

At this point, the Democratic Party stands alone as the master of the state. The Republicans have been vanquished and are not likely to rebound to challenge them for control. This could mean the establishment of a one-party state, particularly after eight years of Obama pulling more and more of the American economy under his umbrella. The more that happens the less likely those who run business will be to back Republicans particularly when they can be punished for doing so.

For almost a century, the Democrats have gradually been developing a large client base that is beholding to the state. A veteran of the rough and tumble world of Chicago politics, Obama knows how to fed the carrot and bash with the stick. This is the kind of raw fascism that Mussolini used to ascend and take power in Italy and he did it with fewer resources than Obama has within his grasp.

Moreover, Obama’s fascist soul is reflected in the words of his wife, Michelle:
“Obama will require you to work. He is going to demand that you shed your cynicism. That you put down your divisions. That you come out of your isolation, that you move out of your comfort zones. That you push yourselves to be better. And that you engage. Barack will never allow you to go back to your lives as usual, uninvolved, uninformed.”

Mussolini could not have crafted a better creed. More interestingly, during that fateful campaign, supporters decided that Obama needed his own “salute.”

“Our goal,” said Rick Husong, a key financial backer of Obama, “is to see a crowd of 75,000 people at Obama’s nomination speech holding their hands above their heads, fingers laced together in support of a new direction for this country, a renewed hope, and acceptance of responsibility for our future. We thought, 'Let's try and start a movement where even while walking down the street, people would hold up the O and you would know that they were for Obama.”

An ad agency came up with what the Obamaites hoped would serve as a symbol of hope and progress that also plays off Obama's name. The salute called for loyalists to interlace their hands in a circle, as a symbol of different types of people coming together. The circle would also serve as a symbol of unity. Husong urged people to download it and print it on posters and T-shirts. “We want to see it everywhere, but more importantly we want this sign to take the world by storm.”

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